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| TEST SERTİFİKASI INSPECTION CERTIFICATE EN 10204 : 2004 - 3.1 | 5 | Sertifika No. / Certificate No. 20160261 Tarih / Date : 28/07/2016 Sayfa / Page : 1 / 1 |
3 | Müşteri / Client : BORŞEN BORU STOK |
| BORŞEN İş Emri No. / BORSEN Work Order No. : 20160262
4 | Müşteri Sipariş No. / Client Order No. : |
6 | Ürün Tanımı / Product Description : Boyuna kaynaklı paslanmaz çelik boru Longitudinally welded stainless steel pipe |
| 7 | Kaynak Yönetimi / Welding Process : TIG - GTAW - 141 (İlave metal yok) (Without filler material)
| 8 | Kaynak Faktörü / Joint Factor : Z=1.0
9 | Spesifikasyonu / Specification : EN 10357 EN 10217-7 TC1 |
| 10 | Kalite / Grade : X2CrNiMo 17-12-2 1.4404 316L |
| 11 | Tolerans / Tolerance : EN ISO 1127 D3 / T3
12 | Isıl İşlem / Heat Treatment : Çözelti tavlaması / Solution Annealing (1040-1060 oC) |
| 13 | İç Kaynak Temizliği / I. D. Finishing : Yapıldı / Bead Rolled :
| 14 | Dış Yüzey İşlemi / O. D. Finishing : Fırçalı / Brushed :
15 | Ürün Markalama / Product Marking : BORŞEN EN 10357 EN 10217-7 X2CrNiMo 17-12-2 1.4404 316L Ø51 x 1.2 x 6000 858021 20160261 W2R TC1 |
16 | Sevk Kapsamı / Chemical Composition | Sıra No. Item No. | Boyutlar Dimensions
| Adet Pieces | Miktar (m) Quantity (m) | Ağırlık (kg) Weight (kg) | Başlangıç Malzemesi Starting Material | Döküm No. Heat No. | 1
| Ø51 x 1.2 x 6000
| 931
| 5586.0
| 8426
| Coil EN 10028-7 X2CrNiMo 17-12-2 1.4404 - EN ISO 9445 (EN 10249) | 858021
17 | Kimyasal Kompozisyon / Chemical composition | Sıra No. Item No. | C (%) | Si (%) | Mn (%) | P (%) | S (%) | Cr (%) | Ni (%) | Mo (%) | Ti (%) | Nb (%) | N (%) | İstenen REQ. | max. 0.030 | max. 1.00
| max. 2.0
| max. 0.045
| max. 0.015
| 16.5-18.5 | 10.0-13.0 | 2.0-2.5 | ---- | ---- | max. 0.11
| 1 | 0.0210 | 0.3260 | 1.2500 | 0.0032 | 0.0033 | 16.66 | 10.080 | 2.0200 | 0.0120 | 0.01300 | 0.0360 |
18 | Mekanik Test Sonuçları / Mechanical Test Results | Sıra No. Item No.
| Test No. | Test Sıc. Test Temp. (oC) | Akma dayanımı (RP0.2) Yield Point (RP0.2) (N/mm2) | Kopma Dayanımı (RM) Tensile Strength (RM) (N/mm2) | Uzama (%) Elongation (%) A5 | Sertlik Hardness HRB | İstenen REQ.
| RT | min. 190 | 490-690 | Longitudinal min. 40 | ---- | 1 | 16-261 |
| 363 | 618 | 46 |
19 | Göz ve Boyut Kontrolu / Visual and Dimensional Inspection | : Kabul / Acceptable | Açma Testi / Drift Expanding Test [EN ISO 8493 / ASTM A 1016 Sec.22] | : Kabul / Acceptable
| Ezme Testi / Flattening Test [EN ISO 8492 / ASTM A 1016 Sec.19] | : Kabul / Acceptable
| Eddy Current Testi / Eddy Current Test [EN ISO 10246-2 / EN ISO 10246-3 / ASTM E 426] | : Kabul / Acceptable
| Yüzey Pürüzlülüğü / Surface Roughness | : Kabul / Acceptable
20 | Burada belirtilen malzemenin imalatının, numune hazırlığının, testinin ve kontrolunun yukarıdaki standardlara ve şartnamelere göre yapıldığını ve sipariş şartlarına uygun olduğunu beyan ederiz.
We hereby certify that the matarial herein described has been manufactured, sampled, tested and inspected in accordance with above standards and specifications and satisfies the order’s requirements.
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Doküman No: KK FR 03 |
 Rev No: 00 / Tarihi: 10.06.2010 |
Dudullu Org.San.Böl.3 Cad. No:20 Y.Dudullu / Ümraniye / İstanbul / Türkiye Tel: 0216 466 37 05 Fax: 0216 420 65 63 borsen@borsenboru.com www.borsenboru.com |
1 | The certificate shall contain the certified logo of the manufacturer, contact information, website address, e-mail and address.
2 | It shall indicate the ISO 9001:2000 accreditation confirming the quality management system document of the company, along with the public body which issued the accreditation.
3 | The certificate shall contain the trade registry ID information of the ordering company.
4 | The certificate shall contain the order number of the customer.
5 | Manufacturing company shall issue an acceptance number for the approved purchase order on the certificate and the issue date of the number shall be indicated.
6 | The certificate shall include a general definition of the manufacturing process of the relevant pipe.
7 | It shall indicate the written and corresponding nomination in the standard literature for the welding method used in manufacturing.
8 | It shall indicate that 100% of the controls for the welding done during manufacture has been completed.
9 | It shall indicate the standard according to which the pipe has been manufactured.
10 | The stainless quality of the manufactured pipe shall be indicated.
11 | The tolerance range according to the manufacturing standard shall be indicated in the certificate.
12 | It indicates whether the thermal process / tempering process has been conducted within the range of 1050 centigrade degrees.
13 | It is compulsory to provide information on internal welding cleaning in the pipe during manufacture.
14 | It indicates whether brushing has been applied on the external surface during manufacture of stainless pipe.
15 | It is mandatory to indicate it on the certificate as it is considered as the identification of the pipe for branding manufacture.
16 | It is the section where all information on the product to be dispatched shall be indicated. ( Dimensions - Number - Amount - Weight - Material Standard - Heat Number )
17 | It is the section where chemical data of the manufactured pipe is indicated.
18 | The manufacturer shall conduct mechanical tests according to the manufacturing standard, and indicate the results in the certificate. The optimal finding range to be included in this section and all figures obtained by the manufacturer’s laboratory shall be compared to the parameters.
19 | Compliance of destructive and non-destructive tests.
20 | Statement of compliance covering the whole certificate.
21 | Company stamp, approval date and the name and signature of the authorized person in charge of quality control shall be indicated.